This was the pile next to my bed. Then came Harry Potter 7 which rose to the front of the cue. I finished The 4-Hour Workweek last week and I am amazed by the bonus material on the website. The first 50 pages I found a bit non-descript, but after that well worth the read. […]
On Tuesday I wrote about the problem of choice, when you actually have no clue about what differentiates one product from the other.Let us move on then to a product where you have tons of magazines about and could make an informed decision based on specifations: the cell phone.On any given day I can spend […]
Okay, I am exaggerating. This one is just about electric razors, and a kind of Seth Godin/Malcolm Gladwell problem, less of Occam. About variety and choices. Yesterday at the store I passed the shelf with electric razors and had to stop and ponder: 40+ electric razers in all shapes, colors and even sizes. Some closer […]
It took a while and it wasn’t me who solved the problem but now there is a way.The solution came via Eric Rice and is provided by Allen Joyce. It goes like this: 1. add the fatblogging twitter-account as a friend to the twitterers you are following2. each day (or how often you’d like), send […]
I had planned this post earlier, but Lee Hopkins‘ words in his FIR-segment on Monday reminded me to finally write it. I started blogging in 2005. I am a PR consultant and needed to see what this blog stuff was all about – the best way to do this was to join in, which I […]
Wow, after his work on PayPerPost and Squidoo, Jason will have a field day with Buy Blog Comments dot Com. In short, What BuyBlogComments.Com does is pay people to write quality blog comments on quality blogs. They are hand written by excellent english speaking people in America and Canada. We have a really great system […]