The last couple of weeks, ever since we got back from Scotland, have been of constant turmoil with birthdays, work, kids’ issues, work and trying to stay healthy. Most of that load wasn’t even shouldered by me to be honest. My self was rather busy trying to put resolutions, corrections and rebooting in line with the already present screwed-up self. In case you missed it, that’s just saying I was busy with myself in bad code. Which (being busy with myself) I suppose everybody does and should do every once in a while but it sucks when you can’t/don’t really talk about it, along with the realization that my linguistic short term memory is really insufficient. Sucks even more for the person already busy shouldering most of the load of everyday.
It would be foolish to say, gee, of course, that’s it, I am all done with chasing myself now. No, I am glad I got this far, this realization stage. All part of the journey I suppose. I have to tell myself, though, that I am not travelling alone. Everyday. No good being an grumpy old bugger.