I am not sure but my memory says Joe Jaffe had something like this happen two years ago. So nothing’s changed. Surprise, surprise.
What happened? I think Lufthansa Miles and More’s Mastercard programme was redesigned and they sent out new cards because, well, they do that. My new card never reached me and I was unware since my card iswas good until 2012. Last Friday though, I started to get funny emails. Not the ones one usually get, like please look at your PayPal profile right away and login here www.spampaypal.com. No, things I cared about, like the subscription fee to Loren Feldman’s 1938media.com or my Amazon purchase of Lee Child’s Reacher sequel for Kindle for iPhone. So I called them up and they explained what happened. Since I didn’t activate the newly-sent card the account and thus the old card was blocked. I guess that is standard procedure let me say it out loud: Then the standard sucks! Because now more and more mails start popping up. Today, my Kickstarter pledge for Bleu got rejected, something I cared about.
So all this not because I abused or lost the card, but because Lufthansa changed the system and failed to have a backchannel. It’s just easier to block the card and have the customer figure it out, right? You wanna know what the lady on the hotline told me?
“Oh, that card’s been blocked for two months now, you should have noticed it earlier actually.”
Loss for words…
Nico Lumma
och schnuggi, jeder hat mitbekommen, dau00df M&M den CC-Anbieter gewechselt hat. Jeder.
Sebastian Keil
Schnuggi, Butscher, noch was? Nur weil du das weißt, heißt das nicht, dass alle das wissen. Insbesondere, die, die nicht viel fliegen.
Nico Lumma
habe noch nicht mal eine M&M CC, aber das war irgendwie kaum zu übersehen, finde ich.
Sebastian Keil
siehste, und ich flieg nicht mal, und bekomme die Message daher nicht. und bin auch nicht allein mit dem Leid. 😉