I read a lot of accounts lately of people who are tired of vampire-invites. And Spiegel online has an report of somebody closing all her social network accounts (German). I have to say I don’t care about the invites, they are few, I am not that popular. True, I am not even that active any more. No new apps in the last month, I have a few groups I look into on a daily basis, but that’s it. But there is one thing that pisses me off. Not Beacon, but the way apps treat your friends.
I think it is overly rude, invasive and should be violation of ToS that there is a small print somewhere that some quiz goes out to your friends. Very often you don’t even notice it, because when it comes to friends selection you click “unselect all” or “skip”. Only days later you wonder why people are posting results compared to your challenge. WtF. This has to stop soon, for real, because friends, the Social Graph, is what users care about and at some point they will begin to protect that graph.
Technorati Tags: facebook, socialgraph, friends