So, the keynote is over. I wasn’t even online during that time, thank god. I’ll just watch the show when I have the time. From the news coverage and the Mahalo Daily clip I pretty much know by now what went down. And since I don’t have the money for nor interest in the MacBook Air, I kept thinking about something else. And the announcement that was not announced.
Nike+ support for iPhone and iPod Touch. Clearly, this is only a software issue. But so far not announced. But did you see the new Google Maps features? With the better localization? And the drop pin? I think Jobs is just about ready to announce a new and improved nike+ for the iPhone – your run is mapped while you run! That’s right!
Why he didn’t announce it yet? For starters, Marion Jones being sentenced to jail a couple of days prior is not the right background and secondly, MacWorld was not the right setting. When the announcement comes, nike+ will also come to the iPod Touch, just without the real-time mapping of course – unless your track is completely saturated with Wi-Fi.
Technorati Tags: keynote, 2008, macworld, nike, nike+, iphone, ipodtouch