I just realized so far I only twittered this, but hadn’t blogged about it.
To accompany TwitDir, which let’s you search all the twitter user names, I created twitterdirectory.net to specifically list the accounts that provide some kind of news service and are not Robert Scoble (to clarify: I did not create twitdir, i created twitterdirectory.net). News bots, sports feeds, conference feeds. If you are e.g. looking for a soccer results in England feed, you could check the sports category.
So far I am doing this on my own, searching for the feeds myself, so if you know them, bring them on.
I see Twitter as much as a news source as Dan York, and hopefully many others, so spread the word to make this bigger and maybe also improve the usability when a certain amount of data is gathered.
Not to forget, there are also TweetScan and terraminds. Both let you search the user updates, terra minds also let’s you search the user names and most importantly – both let you subscribe to search results via RSS.