The Gillmor Gang is back, now just called The Gang. After a one-year hiatus it is time to spread some Gillmor-love again. To listen to it, you need to join the Facebook Gillmor Group first, you’ll find the RSS-feed there. Bert van Wasshove is as excited as I am.
And with show #3 they are really back on track, delivering one of the best episodes at all, scratching even at Attention Deficit Theater. While the first part is all about the strutting and Jason, part two goes deeply into the Facebook Ad spiel and VRM. Anybody interested in Doc Searls’ thoughts on VRM in combination with Facebook should give this a listen. To tell the truth, you should listen to it anyway when people like Dan Farber, Mike Vizard, Jason Calacanis, Dana Gardner, Mike Arrington, Robert Anderson and of course Steve Gillmor share the mike.
So Steve, while still waiting “anything” from the Attention Trust business, this is a simple thank you.
Technorati Tags: gillmorgroup, thegang, stevegillmor