Ryan Holiday is a very happy camper because Jason Calacanis responded personally to his question. And really, that is how you make people happy, keeping them as customers (assuming that Maholo is a product and users of the site are customers). I know how he feels, because Jason reached out to answer my post as well. The whole team is doing that, Sara who created the “How to learn French”-site, commented as well. Even when the going gets tough, Jason is in the middle. And, dear readers, dear Jason, I am sorry of he is mentioned on this blog so often, but he is doing some stuff right. To quote Joseph Jaffe, “put your money where your mouth is”, walk the talk.
Anyway, to keep you updated, nobody from del.icio.us contacted me after my complaint about missing bookmarks, nobody from del.icio.us resonded to my help ticket. And to be fair, nobody from flock contacted me neither. And to be really fair, it seems the problem resulted from a user’s mistake (ah, and the user would be me). Apperantly, while using flock loads of bookmarks were stored locally, therefore, now not available online. On the other hand, I am 100% certain, that I was able to access these bookmarks with the del.icio.us toolbar for Firefox. Only after installing Flock 1.0 they were gone on Firefox which is still my main browser. Alas, withough feedback from either del.ico.us or flock, this will remain a mistery and I will just call-up every single fucking bookmark and save it to the web. Such is life I guess.
Technorati Tags: delicious, flock, mahalo, calacanis, customerservice
Well, it’s not like I have anything else to do all day but blog, comment, and talk to folks. 🙂
Oh well, we could do this all day, couldn’t we? 😉