Pardon the martial language, but I am trying to top my all-time best-visited post “How Apple can take the cell phone market with one feature“.
You see, the iPhone looks great, has a great UI and Doug says, the visual voicemail is the best invention since mankind. Granted. All fine. But as far as I can see it still lacks the syncronization between Apple Addressbook and profiles.
It would enable users to customize not only their phone with ringtones but also their life.
Read that again, I am not kidding. Let me spell it out again:
Imagine to leave work, click a button and all of a sudden all contacts
in group “work” are automatically sent to your voice mail. Calls from
the group “VIP” get announced with vibration. And your wife’s calls ring with “Love me tender”.
All Apple has to do is connect the dots between the groups in Addressbook and profiles with various ringtones. Everything handled with
easy pull-down menues or check-boxes in Addressbook.
Technorati Tags: apple, iphone, addressbook, ringtones, profile, ui, cell, mobile, phone