Steve Gillmor likes to experiment with the format of the Gillmor Gang despite everybody telling him that splitting a show into five parts sucks. While I generally agree, practice makes perfect and I can almost blindly scroll to the 3:50 minute-mark of a file when the real show starts. Unfortunately, the GBX extension does not record my iPod behaviour. So Steve, since I still boycott the Gang’s podshow page: I listened to part 1 and about 30 seconds of part 2, then started at 5 going backwards – and listened to part 1 again, because it was so entertaining the first time around.
There is a great segment in part 4 (meaning 2) where Jason has a long monologue about business strategies and there is background noise like somebody is snoring. Very funny. This is no critique of Jason of course 😉
However, I think Dana Gardner was misunderstood in the final argument, meaning, I agree with him. What Jason (Calacanis, btw) is doing, raising sponsor money to help a couple of children, is a great idea, but the original criticism was "what happens to the public system if you scale it". I think it is a valid question and that it can be asked without suggesting Jason is doing something bad.
Furthermore, I disagree with him saying that intelligent people shouldn’t waste their time on politics. Man, I am guessing you meant that as a joke, but since you are trying so hard to do something sensible… – these kind of statements certainly don’t sound sensible and send a wrong message. Not only to people who look up to you and are influenced by you but also to those among your peers who DO give a damn about politics and about what goes on in your country.
Technorati Tags: gesture, ipod, gillmorgang, calacanis, politics