Last week, Nicole had a long post about the various possiblities to network online, and problems with culture, intimacy etc..
I am the very approachable guy and have nothing against connecting over all the platforms.
Today I added another contact in plazes and was scheduled to meet that person later for lunch. Naturally, I did not look at all the contact data and thought, on the way to the meeting place, what if something comes up (not applicable in this case because we IM’d minutes before the meeting) and you miss each other. I didn’t have the contact data in my cell yet.
Wouldn’t it be a great service, the moment I get a new contact, I get an email with the contact data of that person, both, as .vcf AND as real text?
it would be way cooler if the phonenumber would just popup in your brain the second you think “a number would be quite handy right now” 🙂
Wolfgang Lünenbürger-Reidenbach
Nico, I guess, you are just working on it, aren’t you? Something like brainmabber2.0…