I finished reading David Weinberger’s small pieces loosely joined and can only recommend it. In times where the Web seems to be heralded as everything or done away with as nothing, depending on the weather, I found it highly focussing in a healthy way. On the one hand there is so much information to be computed day in day out (the amount of which one digests is a personal choice of course), on the other hand Weinberger manages to take the reader to the clouds and looks with him at the Web as whole. Some quotes:
The Web, on the other hand, is thoroughly a creation of subjective human beings and is built not of atoms or matter or facts but of human interests.
Our most important constructions are not the pages we put up or the stories we tell or the poems we record or the videos we post. Far more important is the way we reinvent what it means to be together as human beings. We are sharing this world not because we have to but because we want to. We are sharing this world not because we find ourselves next to someone due to the inevitable accident of proximity but because we have chosen to join with someone based on the common ground of shared passions.
Published 2002…
More on this later.