In the current edition of managing the gray, host CC Chapman recommends that it helps to be a sponge, soaking up information, while juggling with new media. I totally agree: with RSS and portals, TechMeme and PopUrl, Second Life and MySpace out there, you have to put your ears to the ground and take in as much as you can. The big picture is really big and in order to make effective use of new media tools you have to know as much as possible about them.
Technorati Tags: managingthegray, information
C.C. Chapman
I’m glad you agree and I hope people realize that this doesn’t mean you have to be completely immersed in these technologies, but you have to at least be aware of them and dip your toe in the water a bit. That’s critical.
Absolutely, get your feet wet. Can’t really talk about a pen unless you’ve held in your hands and written a couple of lines with it.