I can’t really clear enought time (or just, I don’t do it), to write something long so just a quick note. Yesterday, my wife got to check one of the items on her to-do-list. The annual report of the Fest, came out, including an article written by her.
This week, Steve Gillmor has opened the gesture bank pool. If I understand the proceedings correctly, I’ll be participating in that. I hope communication with the members will be a big part of the beta and whatever may follow. I am also member of the attention trust, but neither my email get answered nor do I get the feeling, my data is of any use – my Root Vault diligently counts clicks, but during several months of collecting I haven’t been informed if the data is of use to Root or, any 3rd party involvement regarding catering content/advertising to my profile.
Congratulations to Nico Lumma for creating a new standard: HCML.
Congrats to me for blogexpert-honors.
On Tuesday night I had the pleasure of attending a reading/lecture by Roger Willemsen (all flash, sorry), one of the brightest minds IMO. He talked non-stop for 90 minutes about his two new books, Afghanische Reise (Afghan Journey) and Hier spricht Guantanamo (This is Guantanamo speaking; it still needs an American publisher he mentioned, for obvious reasons. ;-)). I was impressed by his rhetoric ability and focus. Even more, I had the feeling that his observations on society and the individuals in that society resembled goings-on in the web society.
Attention was mentioned, as were individual lamentations as mirror of society. I would like to see a panel/listen to a podcast including Willemsen, Steve Gillmor and David Weinberger on how much the delepment on the web resembles offline structures. Is the web a sign of where we are heading offline? This of course goes into economy as well, e.g. is the often-used Web 2.0 Kumba Yah model of offering a service for free, something we might see offline in the future?
Heck, why don’t I just send all of them an email? It never hurts to ask…
Technorati Tags: attention, gesture bank, society, willemsen
Robert W. Anderson
Greetings — I think you fill find that the distinction between GestureBank and AttentionTrust (if not already clear) will become very clear very soon.
BTW: you are bucking the trend on Technorati tags — everyone else is using “GestureBank”.
Thanks, looking at the GB 100 I have a good idea where this could be going. And I like the direction.
And I’ll use a different tag in the future.;-)