Imagine you are sitting in a meeting with reps from an IT-provider, the goal of the meeting to sign a contract for support. They are trying to sell you their service. You are the decision maker. Responsibly, you aks questions. About their service, service-hours, the quality of the back-up, speed of recovery, their past experiences. And while you looked forward to having all of this out of the way by signing the support-contract, you get a funny feeling through-out the meeting. An itch you can’t quite locate at first. After the second round of coffee though, you know where it comes from. It’s the way the IT-folks talk. And you don’t like it when they talk like that about your data, your back-up, the support-speed.
"It should be 100%."
"I am fairly certain it is."
"Most likely, yes."
"I doubt that has ever happened."
"I’m quite sure."
"I can’t recall an incident like that at the moment."
"Sorry, I can’t explain that part to you, I just copied the paragraph from a different contract."
Nope. You don’t like it.