Very interesting article about “Pheed Read” .
– One interesting point to note is that the NetNewsWire aggregator for the Mac is no where in our top 5 aggregators, whereas it was number two in FeedBurner%u2019s statistics. We attribute this to two factors. First, RSS is growing up. Charles Smith pointed out earlier this year that as RSS adoption moves mainstream, which is comprised mainly of Windows computers, we%u2019ll see NetNewsWire%u2019s share migrate to the space that is typically occupied by the Safari browser in most web analytics reports, about 1 to 2 percent. Secondly, the sample that we derived these stats from was skewed toward the technology category, which caters in large part to the Wintel market segment.
Does this mean I should also use one of the “Windows-near” RSS-readers, just to know how the majority of RSS-consumers experience their feeds?