Constantin Basturea takes notice of and comments on Ketchum’s announcement of a blogging practive. I agree with Neville that it is an excellent dissection of their press release and worth reading.
However, I think it is something else: It is a good example for great blog post: Constantin did not just find a link and posted it, the post has great content, with a certain amount of immediacy. In addition, the article is quite “link-rich”, almost like the show-notes of The Hobson and Holtz Report. (This proves an interesting quote by Hugh Maclead, uttered during Nicole Simon’s preboot podcast: “Blogging takes time”)
Speaking of “For immediate Release”, I think Neville pointed out that a “blogging practice” as such is not the solution for most companies. What one should be trying to accomplish is a sound integration of blogging into the marketing strategy. Blogging is in most cases not a stand-alone solution.
Finally, is it just me who finds the Ketchum Personalized Media logo quite hideous?