Currently, I am taking part in the 2Weeks2aBreakthrough-program. Part of it is the “daily practice”: Tell two people your goal, take two actions to support your goal, make two requests to support your goal. My goal is to implement a more time-efficient working structure and to write the concepts/strategy papers on my to-do-list.
However, after weeks of marriage preparations, preparing my move to the south of Germany and other worries, I am on the right track. Two people have agreed to chat with me, one is president of a PR agency, the other a very good writer. Furthermore, a very well known blogger agreed to answer a couple of questions I sent him which will help me a great deal I predict.
I am working on the design of my blogs and put Podzilla on my iPod to enable better Podcasts.
One of my ways to learn about a product is to use it. In order to better understand Flickr!, I set up a tag for my wedding pictures and used a RSS-feed for that tag to see whenever one of our friends had uploaded new pictures. Overall a good week, thank you Lisa.